Crypto Wallets — What They Are And How They Operate

Crypto Wallets — What They Are And How They Operate

Crypto wallets are the core of the crypto world. People store their valuable crypto assets on them. Get a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn about these storages in depth and find the safest ones.

What are crypto wallets?

Since the rise of Bitcoin, the main cryptocurrency on the blockchain, many other coins have been created. It didn’t take long for people to catch the trend as they began buying the coins. However, it’s also vital to know how to safely store these precious cryptocoins, and that’s where wallets come into play.

A crypto wallet is an equivalent of your bank account, where you store all of your funds. The wallet allows you to receive, send, store, and do various things with your coins. You might think crypto wallets are really easy to understand. Hold your horses, since there are many more things for you to learn in this crypto wallets review.

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How do the wallets operate and what they allow you to do?

The best crypto currency wallets are very similar to your bank account, while you may not even notice it. Firstly, you make transactions using these wallets. Payments on the blockchain are really fast and take less than an hour to be completed.

Of course, you may also just store the coins on the wallet. They’re the safest place for your crypto to be at, since storing coins on exchanges is a critical mistake most beginners make. The wallet is in your hands, while an exchange might be hacked, and your coins put in danger.

Main types of crypto wallets

Crypto wallets differ in their types, and only you decide which type is best for you. The main two types are: Cold or Hardware and Hot wallets.

Hardware wallets

A hardware wallet is made for the secure storage of crypto. To start making crypto transactions, you need to connect the wallet with a PC, mobile phone, or other devices.

The main perks of these storages are top-notch security levels and the simplicity of use. The cons are the cost being quite high going over a $100 mark, and it’s quite hard for newcomers to get. However, if you’re at least a bit aware of crypto, then there are no problems understanding the wallet.

Hot wallets

These storages run on PCs and various mobile phone devices. They secure your finances using secret keys that you need to write down, or they disappear and are never shown again.

The main perks are the fast accessibility making them great for saving up small coin amounts and the availability to access your wallet from various devices at the same time. The miss is its possible safety problems, so storing large amounts of crypto on them isn’t recommended.

How we value the wallets?

We pick only the best of the best wallets to use for crypto based on some meaningful criteria. Now, you’re going to find out about the steps on how to find the golden gem of a storage.


The most vital factor to look into is safety. If you want your coins to never be taken out of your wallet then follow all the recommendations it gives.

Top crypto wallets tend to have a secret phrase of 15 or more words for you to write down and ask for you to make a complex password. Moreover, the availability of a two-step verification shows that the wallet cares for your money.

Past incidents

The past might differ from the present, so look into it as well. If the company running the wallet had a bad reputation in the past, for example, for stealing people’s money and other frauds, then skip it.

If the wallet was hacked in the past, then it shows the system has some vulnerabilities and the hacks could be done at any time these days.

Simplicity of use

A wallet brings itself more clients by the ease of use. Wallets make sure to explain everything to a person without even a day of knowledge in crypto.

Number of crypto coins

Usually, once you create a wallet, you want to store various crypto coins there, not one. That’s when the localization comes in.

Before signing up, make sure the crypto wallet has a larger choice of coins than just Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, or Litecoin. The most advanced wallets make sure you have an opportunity to store almost any altcoin on them.

Top crypto wallets

Based on our criteria, we’ve made a top 5 list of the most advanced crypto wallets today.

  • MetaMask
  • Cryptonator
  • Exodus Wallet
  • Coinpayments
  • Atomic Wallet


In this crypto wallets review, you’ve gained knowledge of what a wallet for storing crypto coins is and how it works. Moreover, you discovered the valuable information on why a wallet is safer than storing on an exchange, how to make the best choice with a wallet, and the list of top storages.

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