Bitcoin Evolution Review

Bitcoin Evolution Review

Many reviews regarding Bitcoin Evolution are all over the internet. Some are positive while others are negative. This piece intends to provide you with all the necessary facts to address your inquiries regarding the nature of the software. It also reveals what they offer to users and what they don’t. Keep reading!

Pros & cons


  • Laudable security services
  • Free and seamless registration procedure
  • A comprehensible user interface
  • Manual and automated trading system
  • Android mobile application
  • Compatibility with all devices
  • Functional and renowned brokers
  • Ability to trade multiple cryptocurrencies
  • Ability to trade forex pairs
  • Training feature


  • No mobile app for iOS users
  • Mobile app unavailable in some countries
  • No information on founder’s identity
  • Not 100% risk free

Company overview

Year Founded


Official Website

Cryptocurrencies Available

Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dash, and others

Customer Support

Live chat,

Bitcoin Evolution is vested with a complex mathematical algorithm that promptly simplifies trading activities for users. The algorithm is responsible for analyzing crypto market activities to detect, process, and seal trading deals on behalf of users.

This is possible when users choose to utilize the auto-trading feature. For users who find joy in trading manually, the Bitcoin Evolution algorithm provides information aiding them in discerning and executing profitable trading contracts. The software was purposely built to allow people to engage in crypto trading, regardless of the level of experience and technological inclination.

Notwithstanding, a substantial proportion of individuals have recorded success stories through trading on the Bitcoin Evolution platform. The former website recorded a success rate of about 88%. The newly developed site could offer even better. Not to be disregarded is the 24-hour customer service provided to users via a live chat and also via e-mail!

Currencies and payment methods

With the constant introduction of new categories of cryptocurrencies into the market, many tend to look for trading sites that offer the chance to trade diverse currencies. And not just Bitcoin. Bitcoin Evolution provides such an opportunity. Take a look at the cryptocurrencies offered to users by the software:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Litecoin
  • Monero
  • Dash
  • Ripple
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • IOTA

Furthermore, it’s possible for users of Bitcoin Evolution to trade by pairing cryptocurrencies with global currencies such as USD, EUR, CAD, NZD, and CHF. This will facilitate the making of profits. Also, payment can be made using bank transfer, debit cards, and PayPal amongst others.

Limits & liquidity

With the aim of removing the barrier to cryptocurrency trading in terms of cost, Bitcoin Evolution offers users a very small limit as a starting deposit. Its maximum deposit limit is also reasonable. Examine the table below:

Minimum Deposit

Maximum Deposit



Asides from removing the entry barrier, the minimum starting deposit is also kept at such a low price to minimize risk. Thus, users can start small and grow their deposits as they progress in the trading realm. Regarding liquidity, information gotten from the website indicated the possibility of Bitcoin Evolution users to earn up to $1,500 as profit, every day.

The payout system is transparent. The software removes a commission from profits earned. Following this, users can cash out their profits at a maximum of 36 hours. Although the percentage to be removed as the commission was unstated, the review from users showed it’s indeed “a fair share”.


The platform denounced the presence of any form of hidden charges or undue commissions. This is evident in the transparent nature of the system of payout. First of all, no fee is required to be paid before a person can be a member of Bitcoin Evolution.

The only fee that’s paid by users is the deposit fee, which serves as a form of investment for trading purposes. Not all the deposit made by users is used to trade cryptocurrencies at once! It’s a gradual process. More information regarding this will be provided under the “How to create an account” section. Keep reading!

Cryptocurrency conversions

Users of Bitcoin Evolution have the opportunity to trade more than 6 cryptocurrencies as stated earlier in the text. It’s also made possible for them to trade in partnership with some selected global currencies. Traders can thus alternate between the available cryptocurrencies whenever they so wish.

For conversion, users can change their acquired cryptocurrencies to cash form and request for a withdrawal in either USD or EUR.

Withdrawal/deposit fees and withdrawal times

As noted earlier, users can make a minimum and maximum deposit of $250 and $15,000 respectively. Such a deposit will reflect in their account almost immediately. The table below depicts the methods available for withdrawal, as well as the duration it takes to have access to the money:

Withdrawal Methods

Withdrawal Time



Debit/credit card

24-36 hours




24-36 hours



No information on the Bitcoin Evolution website addressed the concern of how many times users can make withdrawals within a day or month.


Bitcoin Evolution employs blockchain technology as a means of keeping all transactions carried out on the software secured. Through this, the personal information of traders, such as debit card details, are kept safe. Furthermore, to prevent traders from incurring mind-blowing losses, Bitcoin Evolution included in its software, a demo feature that’s basically a prototype of the real trading scene. This affords traders the opportunity to test every feature before applying it to their live trading account.

Still on the issue of security, the contact details provided by users in the process of registration are verified. Why? It’s simply to ensure those details indeed belong to the registered traders. This will go a long way in preventing sensitive information from falling into the hands of non-account owners.

However, users are also enjoined to create a strong password to prevent penetration from unauthorized personnel.

How to create account/first steps on the platform

Bitcoin Evolution offers a free and uncomplicated process of registration. To begin trading on the platform, the first step to take is to visit the platform’s official website via any browser of your choice (as long as it’s not a VPN.) And click the “sign up” or “get instant access” button.

You’ll be redirected to a new page where your name (first and last,) e-mail address, country of residence, phone number, and password is to be inputted. After this, you’ll be linked with an appropriate broker who’ll verify and activate your live trading account. Before going live, you could engage the optional demo feature to get accustomed to trading processes. This is recommended for new traders.

Not the whole $250 will be used to start trading at once. Instead, a trade session can be started with as little as $25!


Bitcoin Evolution is among the few cryptocurrency trading platforms that offer mobile applications to users. This is a great feature as many people find it more convenient to trade through apps rather than logging in through websites. However, if this isn’t a priority for you, you can opt for other trading sites that offer equally great benefits as Bitcoin Evolution. Amongst them are Bitcoin Era and Bitcoin Circuit.


Volatility is a constant factor in trading. Bitcoin Evolution has presented a great site, as well as an application to trade cryptocurrencies and earn profits. The software is constantly updated to provide users with better trading experiences. It’s also compatible with all browsing devices and multiple currencies can be traded both in solitary and in pairs. Take advantage of these perks and evolve your financial status with the Bitcoin Evolution trading system!

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