The World Celebrating 8th Bitcoin Pizza Day With an Order Worth $83 mln

The World Celebrating 8th Bitcoin Pizza Day With an Order Worth $83 mln

Eight years ago happened something which can indeed be called revolutionary. On May 22, 2010, there was bought the first in the entire world pizza for bitcoins. At that time, it cost around 5,000 units of BTC equivalent to just about $40 of that time.

When buying it, Laszlo Hanyecz, perhaps, did not even know that this action would lead to the implementation of the Pizza Index. Since then the crypto-community around the world has been celebrating the “Bitcoin Pizza Day,” and today is not an exception.

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Pizza Index Has Significantly Gone Up

It is the eighth co-called “BTC Pizza Day,” celebrating all over the world in the name of the first ever traditional Italian dish purchased for 5,000 units of BTC. In 2010, the bitcoin enthusiast Laszlo Hanyecz ordered two pizzas from Papa John’s, which altogether cost him 10,000 BTC units, even to just $40.

Each bitcoin cost only $0.004 back then, so the same two pizzas bought (and eaten) then would cost him now around $83 million. As of writing, “its Majesty” bitcoin is being traded at the rate of $8,300, which is an incredible growth since 2010.

Bitcoin Pizza Day Celebrations

Therefore, traditionally on May 22, crypto-enthusiasts from all over the globe feast by purchasing a pizza with bitcoin (for sure, without regard to Pizza Index). These celebrations are also tagged along with different events in social networks as well as discounts or sales from digital money enterprises.

The purchase of pizza for BTC was rather a ceremonial event in the history of the first cyber coin than indeed practical. However, lots of bitcoin bulls admit it played a considerable role in what is called a “pioneering usage,” which means that if not for that occurrence (as well as some others), bitcoin would not have gathered so much popularity and soared to new highs by 2018.

What The Ever-First Bitcoin-Pizza-Buyer Said Then

Before purchasing two pizzas for BTC eight years ago, Laszlo Hanyecz notified the crypto-community about his actions. He started a thread on Bitcointalk, which exists till today. It looks as if he was trying to get some support from enthusiasts just like him, before making the first pizza purchase for BTC in the history.

Then, he wrote:

“I'll pay 10,000 bitcoins for a couple of pizzas.. like maybe 2 large ones, so I have some left over for the next day. I like having leftover pizza to nibble on later.”

The revolutionary went on to emphasize that people can make pizzas at home or get delivery from wherever they want. However, his aim at that particular moment was to get food delivered “in exchange for bitcoins.”

The responses in the thread are making a pretty curious reading, as users ask Hanyecz there about how it felt to eat pizza which now is worth more than it used to be.

In the meantime, this year Steemit published infographics, indicating how much Hanyecz’s pizza would cost – from the whole pizza to one slice or even extra toppings.

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